Murder of a Lawyer: Pallavi Purkayastha murder case/Delhi girl Mashima murdered in Mumbai (Episode 201 on 13th Jan 2013)

Sadmaa: Abhijeet's fiance/Liv-In partner Piyali found killed in her flat
(Dial 100 Episode 723 on 26 February 2018)

Crime Patrol has shown this case 3 times
1. Crime Patrol Dastak 2013
2. Crime Patrol Dial 100 2018
3. Crime Patrol Black Headlines 2020

Shown by Shaitaan - A Criminal Mind:
Rohini brutally killed by a security man (Episode 48 on 23rd June 2013)

Similar story shown by Savdhaan India:
Security Guard Turns Monster (21 July 2017, चौकीदार बना थानेदार)

Delhi girl Mashima (real name Pallavi Purkayastha and played by Ojaswi Oberoi) comes mumbai for job. She lives with her live-in fiance Prasanjit (real name Avik Sengupta) in a flat there.

Few days she observes that a security guard named Amzad Khan (real name Sajjad Ahmad Moghul and played by Rutwij Vaidya) of the society staring at her. She shouts at him and Amzad says sorry to her. She again observes that Amzad is still staring at her. She badly shouts him in front of many people of the society.
A day after returning from her office when she is waiting for Prasanjit electricity goes. Electrician rectifies the issue but electricity fails again in few minutes.

Evening Prasanjit comes and sees that Mashima's body lying on the floor. Her throat of is slitted.
Dincy Vira,mumbai,Ojaswi Oberoi,Dial 100,Amar Sharma,subrato sarkar,ashima,Sajjad Ahmad Moghul,Rutwij Vaidya,srinagar,Farhan Akhtar,mahalaxmi,prasanjeet,Shreya Dudheria,amjed,delhi,Vishal Nayak,

Case 12/2018: Shootout at Varanasi market. Businessman Mohan Nigam died on spot (Episode 904, 905 on 17th, 18th March 2018)

2018 का बारहवां केस
Case 12/2018
A market area in Varanasi is suddenly shake​n​ by four rounds of fire. That was near 8:30 in the evening when the area’s electricity was cut due to a storm. When other shop owners come, finds a 50-year-old businessman Suresh Verma is shot dead and lying in a pool of blood. The businessman was shot at point-blank range and dies on the spot.
Police investigation reveals that he was having bitter terms with his younger brother and property was the reason behind this rivalry. First police call his brother for questioning. Their second suspect is Suresh Verma’s employee who was missing exactly at the time when Suresh Verma was shot. He tells police that he left shop early because due to power cut and storm he was assuming no customer will come.

Doing more investigation police comes to know that there was another guy was raking the area from the last few days who was not seen after the shootout.

Suresh Verma’s terms with his brother in law who was his helper in his business were also not good. Suresh Verma used to treat him like his servant.

Inside Story
ये घटना पिछले साल 28 अगस्त की है। बनारस के चौक थाने के पीछे राजादरवाजा में रात 8:30 के आसपास झोले के होल सेल बिजनेसमैन ५० वर्षीय मोहन निगम की उनकी दूकान में घुस कर गोली मार कर हत्या कर दी गई थी। क्राइम स्पॉट पर .32 बोर के दो खोखे बरामद किये थे। वारदात को जब अंजाम दिया गया उस समय इलाके में तेज बारिश के वजह से बिजली चली गई थी और ज़्यादातर दुकाने बंद होने लगी थी। इलेक्ट्रीशियन बिजली को दुरुस्त करने भी पहुंच गए थे की तभी अचानक पूरा इलाका गोलियों की गड़गड़ाहट से गूँज उठा। वारदात के तुरंत बाद वहां के लोगों ने दो लोगों को बगल की गली से भागते हुए भी देखा था।

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 11/2018: Allahabad University Scholar shot dead during election campaigns (Episode 902, 903 on 12, 11 March 2018)

2018 का ग्यारहवां केस
Case 11/2018

Nitin Jaiswal (Mandar Jadhav) is a student of research at India's one well-known university. He does not take much interest in Politics while the university's elections are also coming and campaigning is at the peak. He believes that the candidate that gives better clarity on their agenda, will get his vote.

A night coming back from somewhere when he is just opening doors of his room, a man comes from behind and shoots him. Nitin dies on the spot. Nearby people bring him to the hospital but where doctors declared him dead. Murder in between election season points towards a political murder but police want to investigate first before giving any statement.

Police come to know that some time back Nitin's engagement was fixed with a girl Prerna (Sharvi Mota) which was broken after Nitin's denial. Police's prime suspects are Prerna's Father (Aasit Redij) and Brother (Puneet Kumar) but later they come to know that the marriage was broken not because of Nitin but Prerna was in love with some other guy and she requested Nitin to refuse the proposal.

Inside Story

इलाहाबाद विश्वविद्यालय भारत के प्रमुख विश्विद्यालयों में से एक है। यह एक केन्द्रीय विश्वविद्यालय है और आधुनिक भारत के सबसे पहले विश्वविद्यालयों में से एक है। इसे 'ईस्ट के आक्सफोर्ड' नाम से जाना जाता है। अक्टूबर का समय था जब पूरे विश्वविद्यालय में छात्रसंघ चुनाव का माहौल छाया हुआ था। 8 ओक्टोबर की बात है जब ये विश्वविद्यालय शाम के समय एक गोली की आवाज़ से गूँज उठा। जियोग्राफी के एक रिसर्च स्कॉलर को यूनिवर्सिटी से सटे बेली रोड पर गोली मार दी गई थी। पिछले एक हफ्ते में हुई ये दूसरी घटना थी। इससे पहले तारांचद हॉस्टल कैंपस के बाहर बसपा नेता राजेश यादव को गोली से मार दिया गया था और उसके बाद पूरे सिविल लाइन्स में खूब जमकर बवाल हुआ था। इस बार फिर ताराचंद हॉस्टल में ही रह चुके एक स्टूडेंट उपेंद्र यादव की हत्या की गई थी। उपेंद्र ग़ाज़ीपुर के जमानियां गॉंव का रहने वाला था और बहुत ही सिंपल परिवार से था। उसके साथ रहने वाले लड़को का भी यही कहना था की उपेंद्र बहुत की सिंपल इंसान था। वो किसी राजनितिक पार्टी या उससे जुड़े लोगों के संपर्क में भी नहीं रहता था।
inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 10/2018: Mystery behind the missing case of Arjun (Ep 900, 901 on 3, 4 Mar, 2018 Crime Patrol Satark)

2018 का दसवाँ केस
Case 10/2018

(Gone Missing, Ep. 900, 901)

अर्जुन मिश्रा, बड़ा भाई राजन, बहन अंकिता और माँ बाप का एक छोटा सा परिवार है. बहन शादीशुदा है और अपने पति के साथ रहती है. अर्जुन एक रात घर वापस नहीं लौटता. उसके घर वालो को उसकी चिंता होने लगती है तो वो लोग पुलिस का दरवाज़ा खटखटाते हैं. पुलिस अर्जुन के 2 दोस्तों ललित और एक और दोस्त से पूछताछ करती है क्युकी अर्जुन उस रात उन्हीं लोगों के साथ आखिरी बार एक होटल में खाना खाते देखा गया था.

पुलिस अपने खबरियों को भी काम पर लगाती है तो एक चौकाने वाली बात सामने आती है की अर्जुन पुलिस के लिए खबरी का काम करता था. उसके दोस्त ये भी बताते हैं की वो लोगों के बहुत काम आता था. किसी भी तरह का विवादित मामला बहुत आसानी से सुलझा देता था. इसी तरह से एक खबरी से पुलिस को एक और चौकाने वाली खबर मिलती है की कुछ समय पहले अर्जुन को बेगुसराई पुलिस ने एक बैंक रॉबरी में धर दबोचा था.

अब पुलिस के लिए ये समझना मुश्किल हो रहा है की असल में अर्जुन अच्छा आदमी था या बुरा. पुलिस की तफ्तीश को ६ महीने बीत जाते हैं मगर अर्जुन का कुछ भी पता नहीं चलता है. अर्जुन का बड़ा भाई राजन पुलिस थाने के सामने धरना देना शुरू कर देता है और दबाव डालता है की अर्जुन मिसिंग केस सीबीआई को दिया जाए.

Crime Patrol | India's Burning Cases: Tehelka Founder "Tarun Tejpal "held in s*xu*l harassment case filed by his colleague (Dial 100 Episode 707 on 6 Feb, 2018)

A Shameful Act
The story is based on a Nov 2013 scandal when India's well-known journalist Tarun Tejpal was found accused in a case of s*xu*l harassment. The entire incident came into light when few emails on the same issue between the victim, Tejpal and Tehelka's then managing editor Shoma Chaudhary got leaked into media. Police involvement started into the matter when they heard it from the media.
According to Tejpal's junior journalist she was sexually harassed by him twice during Tehelka's annual fest in Goa's Hyatt Hotel. The first time they both were drunk so she avoided it but next time again Tejpal.
inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Case 7/2018: 19 year old employed girl Rakhi Bhamaria goes missing while returning from the shop (Episode 894, 895 on 10th, 11th Feb, 2018)

A father is looking for his missing daughter who did not return after she left for her shop a day before. He also asks the shop owner who tell him that Mamta Khandekar left the shop near 6pm with her two other colleagues.
After searching for her sometimes, he finds her dead near a nullah. A number of injuries can be seen on her body.

After reporting to the police, they also find her cycle 200 meters away from the crime spot. The postmortem reveals that the victim was brutally gang-raped before she was murdered and at least two people have raped her.

Police’s prime suspect is Mamta's father who did not search for her daughter during the night and came home and slept. Their other suspect was shop owner because Mamta went missing from his shop but after Mamta’s colleagues confirm that let left the shop together in the evening near 6pm, the police are now looking for other possibilities.

3 months pass but police are not able to find any clue.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

India's Burning Cases: Nithari Serial Killings (9th Feb, 2018)

निठारी सीरियल किलिंग्स
Nithari Serial Killings
2006 से पहले किसी ने शायद ही कभी निठारी गाँव का नाम सुना हो. मैंने भी नहीं सुना था. मगर 2006 ने निठारी में जो कुछ हुआ उसके बाद से निठारी शब्द ही एक सनसनी सी मचा जाता है. निठारी नॉएडा या गौतम बुद्ध नगर का एक छोटा सा गाँव है जो की नॉएडा के सेक्टर 31 से बिलकुल लगा हुआ है. इसी सेक्टर 31 के बंगला नंबर डी-5 में हुए वीभत्स हादसों की वजह से निठारी गाँव को एक अलग ही पहचान मिल गई. एक ऐसी पहचान जो सदियों तक चाह कर भी भुलाई न जा सकेगी. 2006 के हादसे ही निठारी की पहचान नहीं हैं, इससे दस साल पहले भी निठारी का नाम मीडिया में आया था मगर तब मीडिया की पहुच उतनी ज्यादा नहीं थी की हर आदमी तक वो खबर पहुच पाए. दस साल पहले निठारी में नकली शराब के व्यापार ने दर्जन भर लोगों की जाने ली थी. मृतकों के परिजनों को वो हादसे अब भी याद हैं, मगर अब निठारी शब्द ज़हन में आते ही छोटे मासूम बच्चों की चीख पुकार सुने देती है. आँखों के सामने खौफनाक दृश्य चमक उठता है की किस तरह से उन दो दरिंदों ने मासूमो को कुकर्म करने के बाद मौत के घाट उतारा होगा और उनकी कटी फटी लाशों को नाले में बहा दिया होगा.

Crime Patrol | Case 6/2018: 'Psycho killer' Buddhadeb Behera held in the murders of 6 women (Episode 892, 893 on 3, 4 February 2018)


Maharashtra police encounter a case of a serial killer. An unidentified man whose modus-operandi is weird. The last year 2017 they find a female dead body on Nashik outskirts area. The deceased is unknown to everyone which is a blind murder case for police for now. Police also find some identification documents in the woman's purse and these documents belong to a man. Police's first suspect could be this man but they also think that why a murdered will leave his identification documents on the crime spot!!
A journalist who is covering the incident tells police that she encountered with a similar case in 2014 in Madgoan - Goa. In that case, also the woman was killed in the same manner and that crime spot also had similar documents that were belonging to an unknown person but when police tracked that person and asked her about this murder, he told police that he never been in Madgaon and the documents police found were stolen from him sometime back when he was traveling in a train.
On the other hand, Serial Killer is about to join a construction site in Pune as a labor contractor. He introduced himself as Jagdish Mane and tells that he came from Mumbai. He dislikes Mumbai because of pollution, noise and traffic, etc.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

Police take a psycho specialist Rachna's help in tracking the culprit. She suggests police that this person is obsessed with sex and his motive behind all these murders is only sex. She also suggests police that between 2014 to 2017 he must have committed a few more similar murders. She gives some tips to police about his behavior and police activates their informers for this.

Informers start looking for similar personality in the red light area and finally finds a clue about a man who has similar behavior. On the other hand, Dr. Rachna also tracks some records and comes up with a photograph of a man. This man is Kamlesh who went missing 2 days after his sister-in-law went missing. Kamlesh is married to Pallavi who fell in love with him in a construction site and later they got married.

Now when police ask their informer to go and match Kamlesh's photo with that person, that sex worker identified him.

Part 2: Obsessive Part-1
Part 2: Obsessive Part-2

YouTube (Available in a few countries:
Part 2:
Part 2:

Here is the inside story of the case: