Crime Patrol | Case 23/2018: Housewife Anjali Rathod's murder mystery unfolded after 2.5 years (Episode 926 on 10 Jun, 2018)

2018 का तेईस्वां केस
Case 23/2018

A housewife Anjali Rathod (real name Sarita Chauhan played by Anuja Walhe) is a mother of two kids. A day when her kids return from their schools, finds her unconscious and in a pool of blood. They immediately call their neighbor aunty who finds Anjali dead.
Police investigation runs for some time but nothing comes out. They question Sarita's husband, her brother in law and other family members but nothing fruitful is found.

After 2.5 years when a new officer joins that police station, she asks their officials to again look into the case. She suggests them question Anjali's kids about that day, they might have seen or felt something important that they could not share at that time due to shock...Know More

Crime Patrol | Case 22/2018: Man avenges father's insult after 17 years (Episode 924 and 925 on 2, 3 Jun 2018)

2018 का बाईसवां केस
Case 22/2018
(Murder of a retired cop)
A mysterious guy takes indefinite leave from his office for some urgent work. His boss is suspicious about him and he asks him where he is going and what he is trying to achieve but he does not respond. He tells his boss that he might not return and in that case, take his leaves as resignation.
After leaving the city he reaches someplace and buys a gun. After few days during a morning walk, he shoots retired sub-inspector Jagdish who dies on the spot.

When the police start the investigation, they come to know that there was a suspicious person was trying to collect information about SI Jagdish from the last few months in states several cities. In fact, he was trying to track him where did he shift after retirement. He is telling different names at every police station and requesting other cops to co-operate with him in finding Jagdish because he wants to give him a big thanks for a 15-year-old incident.

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YouTube | Dailymotion (Awaited)

Crime Patrol | Case 21/2018: Madhya Pradesh girl abducted, r*ped and sold thrice (Episode 923, 924 on 26 May 2018)

2018 का इकीसवां केस
Case 21/2018
The story comes from Balwada village in Madhya Pradesh(MP)'s district Khargone which comes under Indore division. It is located 214 kilometers far from state capital Bhopal. The Incident was reported by media on 8th Feb this year when a missing girl (played by Meenakshi Dahiya) came back to her home after 7 months. And within these seven months, she was molested and sold thrice.
This all started on 3rd June last year (2017) when after having arguments with her elder brother girl left the home for her maasi (mother's sister) in Pithampur. On the bus towards Pithampur, she met with a guy Antim Shitole who was already known to her. After hearing to the girl Antim suggested her come with him rather than his aunt's home and he will help her get married so the rest of her life will go peaceful and smooth. From there Antim brought her to Indore and then with his two more companions Anil and Alpesh, he brings her to Pratapgarh (Rajasthan) where this duo runs a marriage bureau. In Pratapgarh he molested her and then sold her to the duo in INR 50,000 (approx $725).
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Crime Patrol | Case 20/2018: Rising DJ Tanveer Ansari found killed in his home (Episode 920, 921 on 19, 20 May 2018)

"एक कहावत है की कामयाबी इंसान का दिमाग़ ख़राब कर देती है. कामयाबी तभी तक ख़ुशियाँ लाती है जब तक उस कामयाब इंसान के पैर ज़मीन पर और सही दिशा में रहते हैं. कामयाबी एक चेतावनी भी है जिसको नज़रंदाज कर के ग़लत रास्ते पर जाना बर्बादी ला सकता है."
Lucknow's rockstar DJ Tan's upcoming show is about to rock the city. His rivals a jealous of him that his show is overbooked while their show is getting even half of its popularity but a few days back of his show things turn 360 degrees. His younger brother Nasir reaches Tanveer's home where he lives alone and finds him dead and in a pool of blood. Police are called immediately and primary investigations reveal that the killer must be some of his well-known people because they also find used glasses and a few other pieces of stuff.

Police now asks his rival bands but does not reach any conclusion but few days after they come to know that Tanveer was a married man and his wife's name is Jyoti aka Shabnam who is also a dancer and lives in Mumbai. Few other suspicious and objectionable things found on the crime spot reveals that there was at least a girl who would be there with Tanveen before he was killed. Investigation reveals that Tanveer was having an affair with many girls and it was his hobby to give every of his girlfriend a Muslim name like Mumtaz, Shabana, etc.

Now, these girls are police's prime suspects but further investigation reveals something completely different truth... Know More

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Crime Patrol | Case 19/2018: Shopkeeper Dhananjay's su!ic!de turned to be a gruesome murder case (Episode 918, 919 on 12, 13 May 2018)

2018 का उन्नीसवाँ केस
Case 19/2018
Vasai Shopkeeper Dhananjay is found dead in a lake. His post-mortem report reveals that he died of drowning only and files the case as UD i.e. unnatural death case but Dhnanjay’s father and brother are sure of some conspiracy and forces police to investigate the case.
When the police start investigation they come to know that 32-year-old Dhananjay was having an affair with many Women. He was providing goods at a low price on behalf of compromise. Recently he was in touch with three women Urmila, Jhanvi, and Anjali. Police interrogate Jhanvi and two others to unveil the mystery and comes to know that Dhananjay did not commit su!c!de but was murdered.

Based on the real story of Ranchi. Avinash Kumar Singh aka Ranu was working in an Organisation in Ratu Road near Durga Temple. His body was found in Ranchi's *Kanke Dam* (opp to CMPDI, Ranchi) after the second day of he went missing. On primarily level police was considering it as a su!c!de case but later they come to know that Avinash was the victim of a big conspiracy...

Crime Patrol | Case 18/2018: Farmer's son Sanjay shot dead in the midnight with a double-barrelled gun (Episode 917, 918 on 7 May 2018)

2018 का अठारवाँ केस
Case 18/2018

Sanjay’s (real name Deepak Kumar, Sonepat - Haryana) father is a farmer and their only son supports him in farming. He stays in a room located in the farm itself so he can water the farm early morning on the time. His parents are happy that their son has grown up and supported him.

Everything going well in the family then a morning when Sanjay does not come back in the morning, his father goes to find him in the farm’s room. He finds that Sanjay did not water the farm and also doors of his room are open from outside. When he enters the room finds him dead in a pool of blood. Sanjay was shot dead with a double-barrelled gun whose two shots were missed and made spots on walls of the room. Police start an investigation and reveal that Sanjay's father was having disputes with a competitor who wanted to overtake his business of vegetable and fruit supply. Police also come to know that Sanjay was in love with a girl Mahima of the same village and was in regular contact with him over the phone.

Who killed Sanjay? And why he did not resist when someone attacked him!

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घटना इसी साल 21 फ़रवरी की है जब सोनीपत के मटिंडु गाँव में 18 साल का यूवक दीपक कुमार मृत पाया गया था. दीपक को राइफ़ल की गोली से मारा गया था और शक की बिना पर उसी दिन दीपक के पिता समुंद्र सिंह ने इसी गाँव के सुधीर, चाचा जोगेंद्र उर्फ़ जग्गा और भतीजे राकेश और विकास के ख़िलाफ़ हत्या का केस दर्ज किया था. 22 की सुबह जब पुलिस ने उनके घर पर दबिश दी तो सब के सब फ़रार मिले. समुंद्र सिंह का कहना था की उनके बेटे दीपक का सुधीर के बेटी के साथ अफ़ेयर था और इस अफ़ेयर के बारे में समुंद्र सिंह ने ख़ुद सुधीर को बताया था जिससे की वो अपनी बेटी को ऐसा करने से रोक सके. दोनो परिवारों ने अपने अपने स्तर पर इन दोनो को चेतावनी दी थी मगर ये लोग फिर भी एक दूसरे से मिलते रहे.

जिस दिन दीपक को मारा गया उसके एक दिन बाद ही दीपक की नाबालिग़ प्रेमिका और उसकी बड़ी बहन की एक ही दिन शादी थी. गाँव में जैसे ही इस वारदात की ख़बर फैलनी शुरू हुई बड़ी बेटी की बारात जो की दिल्ली से आनी थी और छोटी नाबालिग़ बेटी जिसकी बारात जींद से आनी थी, नहीं आइ. समुंद्र सिंह का कहना था की इन लोगों ने दीपक को जान से मारने की धमकी दी ही और इसी के चलते इन्होंने दीपक को मार दिया....know more

Crime Patrol | Case 17/2018: Murder of Swati Jamdade, Sangli - Maharashtra Illegal Abortion Racket busted (Episode 914, 915 on 28, 29 Apr 2018)

2018 का सत्रहवाँ केस
Case 17/2018

Nandita Sharma was 5 months pregnant when she died. Her in-laws and husband Amit Sharma are saying that she died of a heart attack when they were coming back from a temple while her cousin sister Supriya who is an MMBS doctor is not convinced. She is confident that there something must be fishy between this incident and with the help of his father and social worker friends stops Nandita's in-laws who were about to do her cremation.

When she asks the police, they tell that the police have already filed ADR (Accidental death report) and allowed Nandita's family to do her final rituals. Supriya is shocked and she asks police that how they are allowed to do cremation without postmortem? Because if it is an accidental death case, a postmortem is mandatory.

Making a few more approaches, the dead body is sent for postmortem where they get to know that Nandita died of abortion during her fifth month of pregnancy.

Nandita was a mother of two girls and her in-laws wanted a boy now. Nandita's husband brought her to gender determination test and during that test it came to know that she was expecting a baby girl again so Amit decides to abort it and during that abortion, Nandita died.

inside story

Case 16/2018: Begusarai Triple Murder, family found lying on the terrace (Episode 912, 913 on 21, 22 Apr, 2018)

The story starts with a triple murder. And then shown another previous murder where a man was killed by two assailants.

That was a triple murder of property dealer Manoj Gupta, his wife Sunaina Gupta and daughter Shipra Gupta who went to sleep on their house's terrace. In the morning when Sunaina did not come downstairs to make tea, Manoj's brother went to look at them on the terrace. Terrace's door was open and when he entered there he found his brother, sister in law and niece dead.
Police was called immediately. Primary investigation reveals that their house's terrace is easily reachable from out side the home and assailants must have entered from there. Further police finds that Manoj had two more partner in his business and his fourth business partner was shot dead a year before...Know More

28 जून 2016 को ये घटना बिहार के बेगूसराय में रिपोर्ट हुई थी। 28 जून की रात जब एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर अमित कुमार पोद्दार, उसकी पत्नी प्रियंका कुमारी और चार साल का आर्यन कुमार छत पर सो रहे थे तो कुछ अज्ञात बदमाशों ने उनके ऊपर अटैक किया था जिसमे इन तीनो को ही मार दिया गया था। किसी तरह का कोई शोर-शराबा ना हो इसलिए इन्तीनो को तकिए से दम घोट कर और गला रेत कर मारा था। ये माना जा रहा था की हमलावर अमित को मारने आए थे मगर जब उनको लगा की उसकी पत्नी और बेटी हंगामा कर सकते हैं तो उन्होंने इन दोनो को भी मार दिया। उस रात इन पति-पत्नी की शादी की सालगिरह थी जिसको मनाने के बाद ये लोग अपने बच्चे को लेकर ऊपर सोने चले आए थे। उस समय घर के इन तीनो के अलावा अमित का छोटा भाई सुमित पोद्दार और माँ मकान में नीचे थे और इस पूरी वारदात की कोई भी आहट इन लोगों को नहीं लगी थी।

inside story
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पुलिस का शक पूरी तरह से अमित के व्यवसाय को लेकर था क्यूँकि वो एक प्रॉपर्टी डीलर था मगर पुलिस के पास फ़िलहाल इस बात को लेकर कोई पुख़्ता सबूत नहीं थे।अमित के पत्नी प्रियंका शहर के मोहम्मदपुर के इसी घर में सरस्वती कोचिंग इन्स्टिटूट नाम से कोचिंग सेंटर चलाती थी और वो अमित की दूसरी पत्नी थी। प्रारम्भिक इन्वेस्टिगेशन में पुलिस का मानना था की इस हत्या के पीछे कोई इनके परिवार का या फिर कोई क़रीबी व्यक्ति शामिल होगा क्यूँकि की जिस तरह से घटना को अंजाम दिया गया है, वो कोई जानने वाला ही कर सकता है। २८ जून को घटी ये घटना अगले दिन सुबह प्रकाश में आइ जब अमित का छोटा भाई सुमित इनलोगों के ढूँढता हुआ ऊपर छत पर आया। उसका कहना था की जब वो छत पर आया तो छत का दरवाज़ा खुला हुआ था जबकि आमतौर पर देखा जाए तो छत पर सोने वाला व्यक्ति दरवाज़े को अपनी तरफ़ से बंद कर के ही सोता है...Know More

Part 1: Bodies On The Roof 1
Part 2: Bodies On The Roof 2

YouTube (Available in few countries):
Part 2:

Crime Patrol | Case 14/2018: Double Murder, Senior journalist KJ Singh murder case in Chandigarh (Episode 908, 909 on 7, 8 Apr 2018)

2018 का चौदवां केस
Case 14/2018
65 years old Senior wildlife photographer Jaidev Paranjape lives with his 90-year-old mother. A few years back he retired from his job and now doing freelancing from home. He is an unmarried man who cooks breakfast and dinner himself for his mother and him while his lunch comes from his elder sister's home which is nearby and it is their daily routine.
Everything is going well in his life but from the last few days, he is observing that someone is spying at him. He finds few guys are trying to trespass his home's boundary. He again observes something fishy in the park near his home.

The very next morning when his sister again comes to serve him lunch, she finds that he is not opening the door. She tries calling Jaidev on his phone but the phone is also not received. In the meanwhile his son enters into the main door which was not locked from inside. Entering into the home he finds bloodstains throughout the floor. Entering into Jaidev's bedroom they find him dead in a pool of blood while his mother is also strangulated to die in her bedroom.

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Gaurav Singh: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Casts
"I was always fond of Movies that's why I joined theaters. During my childhood I used to do acts in skits and from there I decided that a day I will work in TV Serials. I still go for auditions.",

said TV Actor Gaurav Singh Bhadauria who has played the role of Golu in Color's Devanshi. Gaurav hails from Gwalior where he does theaters and moved towards Mumbai seven years before. Devanshi is a serial that completely based on superstitions. Besides Devanshi he has worked in Sab TV's Krishna Kanhaiya, Chiriyaghar, Crime Patrol, Emotional Atyachar and Secret Diaries, etc. He gives full credit for his career to his mother and father and his willingness to work in Bollywood.

He believes that it is not easy to struggle in Mumbai and also learned that family support is most important during this tough period. He shares that he had given more that 100 auditions and finally started getting TV serials.

Episodes played by Gaurav Singh