Crime Patrol | Rahasya: Mysterious disappearance of a domestic help Razia (Crime Patrol Dial 100)

A Secret
...मौलवी ने ना सिर्फ़ रज़िया कि हत्या की, बल्कि उसको कर टुकड़ों में बाँट कर छोटे टुकड़ों को वो टॉयलेट में समय-समय पर बहता रहा और बड़े हिस्सों को उसके घर से दूर एक खेत में दफ़्न कर आया.

ल-रेहान नाम की एक रिहायशी कॉलोनी में कई सारे मुस्लिम परिवार रहते है. एक सुबह घर के सभी लोग नीचे इकट्ठा होकर कॉलोनी के सीवर में आरही दुर्गंध के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं. A-विंग के लोग B-विंग वालों साफ सफाई को लेकर आरोप लगा रहे हैं और B-विंग वाले लोग A-विंग वालों पर.

कॉलोनी के एक बुजुर्ग मौलवी कासिम साहब सबको ये राय देते हैं की नगरपालिका के सफाई कर्मचारियों को बुला कर यहां की सफाई कार्रवाई जाए। सफाई कर्मचारियों को बुलाया जाता है और वो लोग सीवर की सफाई शुरू करते हैं। सफाई करते हुए सफाई कर्मचारी तब बुरी तरह से घबरा जाते हैं जब सीवर की गन्दगी में उनको एक कटी हुई हथेली मिलती है। पुलिस को बुलाया जाता है और पुलिस कॉलोनी के लोगों से पूछताछ शुरू कर देती है।

पुलिस की तफ्तीश चल रही है इसी बीच इलाके के एक नाले में किसी लाश के कुछ टुकड़े मिलते हैं। पुलिस वो टुकड़े फोरेंसिक में देती हैं और तब ये कंफर्म होता ये टुकड़े और कॉलोनी में मिला हाथ का टुकड़ा एक ही लाश के है जो कि एक औरत की है। पुलिस को इन टुकड़ों के साथ एक अंगूठी और कुछ गहने भी मिलते हैं।

दूसरी ओर कॉलोनी में एक बूढ़ी औरत रोती हुई आती है। वो बताती है कि उसकी बेटी रजिया पिछले कई दिन से लापता है और रजिया इसी कॉलोनी में काम करने आती थी। पुलिस को कुछ शक होता है। वो लोग उस औरत को नाले में से मिले अंगूठी और गहने दिखाती है तो वो महिला बताती है कि ये सब उसकी बेटी रजिया के ही है।

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 6 (Season 1) | No Way Out: The Dark Side of Social Media and the Tragic Tale of Namrata and the Fake Account (14 Apr 2023 Amazon MiniTV)

नो वे आउट
no way out

Namrata writes a su!c!de note but disappears afterward. Her parents find a fake social media profile in her name, which had inappropriate comments and photos. The police question Namrata's three closest friends, who reveal information about her ex-boyfriend Rohit. The police suspect Rohit to be involved in the fake profile as Namrata had mentioned it to her friends. Rohit is also missing since Namrata's disappearance.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

Before leaving her home, Namrata contacted her friend Manish, who tells the police that Rohit had created the fake profile and added Namrata's number, which resulted in inappropriate calls. Manish also reveals that Namrata was contemplating su!c!de, but he stopped her.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 8 (Season 1) | The Scapegoat: The Murder of Prithvi, A Web of Lies and Deceit (28 Apr 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

द स्केपगोट (बलि का बकरा)
The Scapegoat

Navin drops off his younger brother Prithvi at their tuition master Shankar's house. A few hours later, when Prithvi's mother goes to pick him up from tuition, she finds out that he never went there. The police are informed and an investigation begins. The first suspect is Navin, who claims that he left Prithvi at the entrance of Shankar's house, as he had promised to go inside by himself.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

Prithvi's parents also suspect Navin, and the police suspect him as well because there is already tension between the families. After Prithvi's grandfather's death, a large portion of the property was transferred to Prithvi's name, with nothing in Navin's name. Before Navin accepts the truth, the police beat him brutally, but he still sticks to his statement.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

Meanwhile, Shankar is also considered a suspect by the police, but he denies any involvement with complete confidence. Shankar lives with his wife, younger brother, sister-in-law, and their son Vivek. Shankar scolds Vivek for wasting his time playing with friends, which has caused him to fail twice in the 10th grade. Shankar tries to help him improve.

Some time later, Prithvi's homework note is found hanging from a tree near his house. The police investigate and find a message written in Hindi demanding ten lakhs (one million) rupees. Before this, Prithvi's father had revealed that Shankar had previously demanded a loan of fifteen lakhs (one and a half million) rupees, which they had refused. The police arrive at Shankar's house with a search warrant.

During the search, the police find Prithvi's body in Shankar's storage room. Shankar and his wife Rupa are arrested, and the investigation begins. During the investigation, the police also find out that Vivek had once attempted su!c!de due to Shankar's constant scolding. Shankar admits that Vivek had stolen one thousand rupees from him, after which he had beaten him up.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 9 (Season 1) | The Missing Links: Politician's Daughter Found Dead, Another Missing: Investigation Points to Boyfriend (5 May 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

द मिसिंग लिंक्स
The Missing Links

Geeta is missing from her home, and her parents receive a letter stating that she has left with someone. Geeta's father is a politician, and with the help of the police, a search for Geeta begins.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

Geeta's sister says that she was talking to a boy named Ashish, and the police start investigating him. During the search, Geeta's body is found in a building, with her head smashed. Social media helps the police trace Ashish, but he denies involvement in Geeta's death.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

Another girl named Jahnvi is also missing, and it is revealed that she was dating Ashish as well. The police find multiple phone numbers in Ashish's call logs and arrest him, suspecting that he was involved with other girls as well. However, Ashish denies any involvement in the incidents, and the police consider questioning his friend Pratap.

Geeta's mother and sister say that Geeta had a relationship with a boy named Pratap two years ago. The police hope that finding Pratap may lead to some success in the case.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 10 (Season 1) | Pursuit Of Desire: The Consequences of Impatience: Sumit's Ordeal (12 May 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

पर्सूट ऑफ़ डिजायर (आकांक्षाएँ)
Pursuit Of Desire

8th grade student Sumit wants to have a mobile phone like his friends, and he keeps requesting his parents for it every day, whether in the morning or evening. However, his parents clearly tell him that he will get a mobile phone like his elder brother Amit only when he scores good marks in his 10th grade exams. One day, Sumit looks very happy, and his friends and brother are surprised to see him so excited. Amit asks him why he is so happy, but Sumit only tells him that he is going to get a mobile phone. After returning home, Sumit does not join his family for lunch and goes out straight away.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

By 8:30 pm, Sumit, who has been missing since noon, has still not returned home. Worried, his parents, brother, and maid go to the police. The police suspect it may be a case of kidnapping because it seemed like Sumit had gone out to meet someone. The investigation begins, and then Sumit's father receives a call from someone demanding 25 lakh rupees as ransom to release Sumit. The police help Sumit's parents to avoid the kidnapper taking any wrong step, while Sumit's father arranges the money.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

The police also check the CCTV footage of the past few days and identify Irfan, who works at a salon in the area, from the footage. They arrest Irfan and interrogate him, but he denies having Sumit and tells them that Sumit's friend Mustaq has him, who also works at the salon.



List of all the Challenge 24 hours Episodes telecasted during Sep 2023.
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66. Case No. 101
19 Jan 2024
The cyber cell in Madhya Pradesh is investigating the disappearance of Arvind Gupta, a moneylender who went missing a year ago. Will the police be able to find him and uncover the truth?

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 1 (Season 1) | Reel vs Real: When a Prank Goes Wrong, Adi's Terrifying Kidnapping (24 Mar 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

रिल्स वर्सस रियल
Reels vs Real

The story begins with a kidnapping drama. Adi, who is crazy for costly bikes and also loves shooting prank videos, ends up being a victim of a real kidnapping. A video of his kidnapping is uploaded to his Instagram account, where he is seen bound and crying. He pleads with his father to give the kidnapper whatever they demand and to get him released.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

The police suspect that the video is fake, as Adi has a history of making drama videos on Instagram. Monica, Adi's friend, tells Ria, Adi's sister, that he has been missing since the previous night, when he dropped her off at home at half-past nine.

He has not gone to any of his friends' places either. Adi's real-life video is going viral, and everyone is becoming increasingly worried. Gaurav, Dhruv, and Chinmay, Adi's friends, are also being questioned about Adi.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

Monica also says that they met at half-past seven and that Adi dropped her off at nine-thirty at her place. Adi's friend Gaurav receives a call informing him that they have made a mistake, and they should inform the police and pay the ransom. Gaurav meets Adi's father and discusses the ransom payment.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 2 (Season 1) | The Broken Heart: The Perils of Online Connections, Bangalore techie who faked his death (24 Mar 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

द ब्रोकन हार्ट
The Broken Heart

Francis in Kolkata keeps receiving repeated calls from an unknown number. The caller keeps threatening him to stay away from Sofia Disuza. At first, Francis ignores the calls, but due to their continuous occurrence, he eventually goes to the police and informs them about the calls. He tells them that he doesn't even know anyone named Sofia. Francis is frustrated and confused about why he is being bothered by this name, especially since he doesn't know her.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

The police investigate the calls and find out that they were made by a boy named Sanjay Bariya. However, when Francis is asked about Sanjay, he says he doesn't know him either. The police track down Sanjay through call records, but when they go to meet him, they find his dead body. In his room, the police find many photos of a girl, indicating that Sanjay was obsessed with her. The police search for the girl by the photos and find her on social media. Her name is Sofia Disuza, and she works as a receptionist in a hotel.

When the police question Sofia, she denies any knowledge of Sanjay or Francis. However, the police suspect that both Francis and Sofia are involved in Sanjay's murder. As the investigation progresses, the police discover that Sanjay frequently talked to Sofia on a particular mobile number. Interestingly, this new number is registered in Sofia Disuza's name. But when the police trace the address associated with the number, they find a girl named Anita Das, who was actually using the number.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 3 (Season 1) | Kill the Enemy: Online Gaming Leads Teen to Commit Murder (24 Mar 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

किल द एनिमी
kill the enemy

Abhay has developed an addiction to online video games. Despite being very intelligent and performing well in the past, his grades have started to decline in his current class. One day, when his father is out of town on a business trip, Abhay's class teacher complains to his mother during a parent-teacher meeting that Abhay's grades are consistently getting worse and he is not paying attention to his studies.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

Abhay's mother becomes so angry with him that one day she hits him and takes away his mobile phone. Abhay repeatedly asks his mother to return his phone, but she refuses to give it back. Abhay doesn't seem to realize the severity of his mistake and is so obsessed with the game that he can't even stop thinking about it when it comes to harming his mother.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

On the night of January 24th, with the help of a knife and a flowerpot, Abhay brutally murders his mother and younger brother and steals some money from the house before running away. The police suspect Abhay from the beginning because at the time of the murder, there were only three people in the house, two of whom were killed and the third, Abhay, was missing.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 4 (Season 1) | The Last Party: A Twisted Tale of Friendship, Love, and Betrayal in the Mayanagri Mumbai (31 Mar 2023 on Amazon MiniTV)

द लास्ट पार्टी
The last party

This story revolves around five friends who have come to Goa to celebrate New Year's Eve. The names of these five friends are Ashima, Basant, Raunak, Sandeep, and Naina. Ashima and Sandeep are in a relationship, while Raunak and Naina's relationship is not going well. Basant is trying to attract Naina's attention at the New Year's party, but she likes Raunak. In the next scene, we see Naina falling from the balcony of the guesthouse, and this is where the twist in the story happens.

Show Host: Vikrant Massey

During the police investigation, all the friends deny seeing Naina going to the balcony. As all the friends' statements match, the police suspect that Naina might have fallen from the balcony due to being under the influence of alcohol. However, the autopsy report reveals a new revelation that Naina was first strangled to death and then thrown off the balcony.

Also Read: Crimes Aajkal - A new Crime show by the creators of Crime patrol, courtroom and project 9191

During the investigation, the police also discover the involvement of an outsider. Still, the owner of the guesthouse claims that the guesthouse's door is automatic and cannot be opened from the outside without a key, and only they have a duplicate key.