Crime Patrol | Chot: Murder of 16 year old Rohit Thakur (Episode 532, 533 on 18, 19 July 2015)

A Scathe
A man finds a male dead body during the morning walk. He informs police and police find the deceased's face is badly slashed and one of his ears is cut off. Police also find cigarette butts and four glasses who were used to drink. According to police these glasses and cigarette butts must be belonging to diseased and the murderers.
Police send the body for postmortem and starts their investigation about the identification of the body. Postmortem reports reveal that the deceased would be near 20 years of age and he stabbed more than 20 times to kill. Police start identifying bodies based on missing complaints of the people of the same age group but they could not found anything.

Three months is passed and now the Mumbai crime branch gives the responsibility of this dead-body to their most experienced constable and he identifies body within a few days. According to him the deceased's age would be near 17 years and after matching missing complaints, he matches this dead body with Rohit Thakur. Rohit was the son of an auto-rickshaw driver and he went missing during the same time when the body was found in the garden.

मॉर्निंग वाक करने समय एक व्यक्ति को पेड़ के पीछे एक लाश दिखाई देती है। तुरंत पुलिस को बुलाया जाता है और पुलिस देखती है की लाश का चेहरा बहुत बुरी तरह से क्षतिग्रस्त किया गया है और मरने वाले का एक कान भी काट दिया गया है। इसके अलावा पुलिस को वहां पर जली हुई सिगरेट और दारु के चार गिलास भी मिलते हैं जो पुलिस के अनुसार हत्या करने वाले और उसके साथियों के होंगे
Muskan Bamne

Crime Patrol | Khu∂khu̷shi: Atul Desai's mysterious accident turn to murder (Episode 531, 532 on 17th, 18th July, 2015)

अतुल देसाई और हार्दिक देसाई सगे भाई हैं और इन दोनों को पत्नियां भावना और नताशा भी सगी बहने हैं। इनदोनो भाइयों का जॉइंट बिज़नेस है हार्डवेयर का और आसपास के इलाके में भी इनको जानने वाले बहुत लोग हैं। दोनों भाइयों की अच्छी बनती है और कारोबार भी अच्छा चल रहा है मगर एक दिन अतुल देसाई का शव रोड के किनारे पाया जाता है जब की वो दूकान से घर की तरफ अपना खाने का टिफिन लेकर निकलता है।
उसके शव को लोग पहचान लेते हैं और पुलिस (प्रमुख अफसर का निसार खान द्वारा निभाया गया है)  को इख़्तेला करते हैं। पुलिस को पहले तो ये नार्मल हिट एंड रन केस लगता है मगर पोस्टमॉर्टेम रिपोर्ट ये बताती है की अतुल के सर से खून निकलने की वजह एक्सीडेंट नहीं बल्कि देसी कट्टे की गोली है जिसे पॉइंट जीरो रेंज से चलाया गया है। अब ये केस एक्सीडेंट केस से हत्या में बदलता दिखता है। पुलिस पूछताछ के लिए हार्दिक को बुलाती है। इसके बाद भावना और नताशा को भी बुलाया  जाता है मगर कोई वजह समझ नहीं आती है।

पुलिस के खबरी बताते हैं की कुछ समय पहले अतुल और हार्दिक का अपने एक दोस्त से अपनी कार को लेकर झगड़ा हुआ था। अब पुलिस उन्दोनो को पुलिस स्टेशन बुलाती है। वो दोनों बताते हैं की हाँ उनका अतुल से झगड़ा हुआ था मगर कार को अतुल को बेच देने के बाद से उनका अतुल से कोई लेना देना नहीं रहा। पुलिस कुछ दिन बाद दोबारा  उन्दोनो को बुलाती है मगर उनमे से एक का ठीक उसी तरह से खून हो जाता है जैसे अतुल का हुआ था।

Crime Patrol | Durghatna: Murder of Deepa's husband Ankit Keswani (Episode 529, 530 on 11, 12 July 2015)

An Accident

Deepa Keswani is a housewife who lives with her husband Ankit Keswani. The couple has a good relationship with each other. A night she calls her friend Suraj and tells him that Ankit has got some accident and he is bleeding badly. They both bring injured Ankit to the hospital and Deepa informs the hospital that Ankit got hurt at Gomti Chowk. After some time doctor declares him dead.

Ankit's body gets cremated within three hours of his death. Also now Deepa tells police that Ankit got injured at home. Now, police have doubts about Deepa that why she gave two different statements about Ankit's accident. Police start doing inquiry and comes to know that before her marriage Deepa was in a relationship with Suraj, then Suraj got married to another girl and soon got divorced.

According to police, this was a planned murder done by Deepa and Suraj but during interrogation, Suraj tells police a shocking truth about Deepa that why he left her years before during their relationship.

Deepa played by Annie Shekhon

दीपा केसवानी अंकित केसवानी की पत्नी है। दोनों साथ में रहते हैं और काफी खुश रहते हैं। एक रात दीपा अचानक अपने दोस्त सूरज को फ़ोन करती है और उसको बोलती है की अंकित का एक्सीडेंट हो गया है। सूरज के वहां पहुचने के बाद दोनों उसको अस्पताल के जाते हैं। अस्पताल में वो बताती है की अंकित का एक्सीडेंट गोमती चौक पे हुआ है। डॉक्टर उसको मारा घोषित कर देते हैं।

Crime Patrol | Inkaar: Murder of 23 year old hospital receptionist Meenal (Episode 526, 527 on 4, 5 July 2015)

23 year old Meenal Gavde (real name Reshma Birje and Played by Sonakshi More) is a receptionist in a hospital in Mumbai. She lives with her brother Rishabh while her parents lives at their hometown. Meenal is a beautiful girl and few guys of same locality try to harass her daily. Another guy who is from some other locality also follows her daily and tries to talk to her. He tells Meenal that he loves her and want to marry her but Meenal avoids him.
Rohan and Raj are very close friends of Rishabh who daily used to meet Meenal and Rishabh. Meenal is close to Rohan and she tells him about those eve-teasers. Rohan goes to meet them. He warns them not to harras her again also fights with them.

Character of Meenal was
played by
Sonakshi More

Dhongi: Caterer Ashok Goyal exposed as a History Sheeter (Episode 525, 526 on 3rd, 4th July 2015)

The Imposter
Ashok Goyal is a caterer by profession with a friend in partnership. In a function, he falls in love with Kiran. He proposes her and after convincing Kiran's parents, both get to marry each other. Ashok tells them that he is all alone and has no family background. Kiran and her parents do not know anything about Ashok but they trust him, so this marriage happens.
Its been 6 months, they are living happily and Kiran is now four months pregnant. A night their doorbell rings. Kiran is shocked to see that it is a crime branch raid at their home. Crime Branch officials find a costly gun there. They arrest Ashok and tells Kiran that Ashok is a history-sheeter and police want to know why he bought this gun and what is his motive.

Azad Ansari aka Charls, Rinki Singhvi
Azad Ansari and Rinki Singhvi

Qaid: Nazneen, Rashmi and Hina trapped into Human Trafficking (Episode 523, 524 on 26th, 27th June 2015)

Story belongs to a human trafficking case of Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s Barkana village. Barkana is a small village consists near 450 families and its total population is around 2300. The strange thing of this village is that female population of the village is near 10% of the total population. Main impact of this unusual percentage is clearly shows the marital status of men belongs to the place. Being un-married, most of the men buys women to fulfill their desire. A human trafficking gang of just 9 people was active in this village. There job was to bring innocent girls (age 16+) from other places to the village and to sell them on a good price.
Tabassum (played by Malini Sen) is maternal aunt of Nazneen (played by Raquel Rebellowho lives with Nazneen and her mother. A Tabassum meets a woman named Shalini Thakur on the Kandivali Bus stop. She tells Tabassum that she has a good job offer for girls of age between 16 to 35. He tells Tabassum that the girl will work at a catering service company based on Ahmedabad and for this she will get 15,000 rupees. Besides salary she will get a place to stay and 5 leaves in a month. Tabassum feels that the job is good for her niece so she discusses this with Nazneen. Nazneen feels really happy after getting this job offer.

Nezneen’s tow neighbors comes to meet them when she get information that Nazneen is going to Ahmedabad. They tells them that a month ago their daughters Hina and Rashmi also went Gujarat for same kind of job offer and after they went, they lost all the contacts with them. Tabassum assures them that she is going with Nazneen to drop her to that company and will tell everything after coming back from there.

After few days Shalini Thakur again meets Tabassum and Nazneen and give them the train tickets. Shalini does not give her mobile number to any of them and assures them that they will not get any trouble while reaching Ahmedabad office.

Tukde-Tukde: Blind case of female body parts (Episode 521, 522 on 19th June 2015)

एक आदमी को मुंबई की एक झील के तट पर कोई खून से सना पैकेट दिखाई देता है तो वो तुरंत पुलिस को सूचित करता है. पुलिस पहुच कर उस पैकेट को खोलती है तो पता चलता है की वो किसी मनुष्य की जांघे हैं. पुलिस स्तब्ध है की ये दुर्दांत काण्ड किसी ने क्यों किआ है. पुलिस आस पास के इलाके में इस शव के बाकी पार्ट ढूंढती है मगर उन्हें कुछ नहीं मिलता. वो लोग झील के आसपास के इलाके में भी पुलिस को सूचित करते है की इस तरह का और कोई संदिग्ध पैकेट या लाश का टुकड़ा मिले तो संपर्क किया जाए मगर कोई सुराग नहीं मिलता है.
इसके बाद पुलिस उनलोगों को एक लिस्ट तैयार करती है जो इसी एरिया में रहते हैं और गुमशुदा है. तफ्तीश करते करते पुलिस को पता चलता है की एक शादी शुदा महिला मीनाक्षी लोखंडे कैफ़ी दिन से गायब है और उसके पति ने उसके गुमशुदा होने की कोई सूचना पुलिस में नहीं दी है. उसके पति से मिलने पर पता चलता है की मीनाक्षी एक चरित्रहीन औरत थी जो किसी के साथ भाग गई होगी तभी उसने पुलिस में कुछ भी सूचित करने का नहीं सोचा. पुलिस की तफ्तीश में आखिरकार मीनाक्षी का हत्यारा हाथ आता है मगर ये भी पता चलता है की पुलिस को जो लाश का टुकड़ा मिला है वो मीनाक्षी का नहीं है. पुलिस इन जांघों की गुत्थी सुलझाते सुलझाते किसी और केस को सुलझा देती है और अब वो केस फिर से एक ब्लाइंड केस बन जाता है और पुलिस फिर से खाली हाथ है.

Crime Patrol | Apharan: Mysterious kidnapping of Vishal Surve (Episode 518, 519, 520 on 12t 13, 14 June 2015)


A youth Vishal Surve (played by Meghan Jadhav) leaves from home for a night walk but does not come back even after an hour. His mother starts worrying about him. Vishal’s father avoids the matter but soon after in the night he gets an SMS from Vishal’s mobile that he has been kidnapped. When he tries to call Vishal’s phone, Vishal’s phones are switched off.

Vishal’s parent informs matter to police and police start an initial investigation. After that Vishal’s father gets a call from a kidnapper who is using Vishal’s phone. He asks him for a ransom of 3 crores. He tells Vishal’s father that he is taking revenge from Vishal, how he gave pain to their children.

Narednra Bakolia,Meghan Jadhav,vishal surve,Rajendra Shisatkar,Gyanendra Tripathi,Anushka Singh,e3,sanjeev tyagi,

Crime Patrol: Khauf | Foul murder of five members in Komal's family (Episode 516, 517 on 6, 7 Jun 2015)


(Khauf, Ep. 516, 517 Crime Patrol Satark)
Komal and her mother, Madhu, have been working as maids for Jaywant for the past seven years. One day, Jaywant and his wife discover that a large amount of 600,000 rupees is missing from their home's safe. Jaywant immediately reports the incident to the police. After a few days, Jaywant realizes that both Madhu and Komal have disappeared without a trace, and their mobile phones are unreachable. This strengthens Jaywant's belief that they were involved in the burglary, and he informs the police accordingly.
The police go to Komal's residence and are shocked to find that Madhu and her entire family of five members have been murdered. They are also surprised to discover that only Komal is missing. Now, from the police's perspective, Komal is either the primary suspect or a potential victim who has been abducted by the murderer.

Komal played by Ahsaas Channa

Crime Patrol | Gade Murde: A political murder case turns to revenge (Episode 515 on 5th June 2015)

गड़े मुर्दे
Old Wounds
Mahesh Goyal is a star campaigner of Lok Jagran Party who was attacked by two person while he was driving his bike. One of the attackers stabs him and he dies in the hospital. His political party blames other party leaders Chandan and Kasturi for this attacks. Kasturi is the candidate for coming election.

Whole city starts burning in the rage of this murder and Mahesh's party files complains against Chandan. When police asks chandan, he denies that he does not relate with this murder because during political season he can not plan sich kind of wrong activity which will be bad for his party.
When police starts investigating Mahesh phone call details, they get number of a married woman Puja Jaiswal whom Mahesh talked with till four days before the murder. During questioning Puja tells police that she was not satisfied with his husband's behaviour and was having extramarital affair with Mahesh. She tells police she stopped Mahesh for four day because she was going out of her home in some family things.

When police activates their informers, they reveals a showking truth that Mahesh was a foppish kind of person who used to teas married women who comes to his garment shop for their children's school dresses.

Sar Kati Laash: Cop's wife found alive after a year of murder (Episode 513, 514 on 30th, 31st May 2015)

सर कटी लाश
Headless Body
पुलिस को एक औरत की सर कटी लाश मिलती है. कोंस्टेबल देवजित सोढी का कहना है की ये लाश उसकी बेटी आँचल जोहल की है जो. लाश पे जो कपड़े हैं वो भी आँचल के ही हैं. वो ये भी बताता है की आँचल का पति राजीव उसको अक्सर मारता-पीटता था जिससे वो परेशान हो चुकी थी.

आँचल के माता-पिता उसकी शिनाख्त करते हैं मगर राजीव साफ़ साफ़ ये बोल रहा है की उसने आँचल को नहीं मारा है और ये लाश भी आँचल की नहीं हैं. वो बताता है की आँचल का एक रिक्शा वाला दिनेश पन्नु के साथ कुछ चक्कर चल रहा था.

Ruchika Rajput: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Ruchika Rajput is an actress and hails from Mumbai. She has been seen in some TV shows like Savdhan India, Aahat and CID, Mr. Tendulkar and Sasural Genda Phool. The girl is now going to do an Episodic of Crime Patrol season 4. The story will be about failed marriage, extramarital affair and relations and she is playing role of a Prostitute named Geeta who forced into the profession and her life changes after falling in love with a customer.

Episodes acted by Ruchika Rajput

Sonal Parihar: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Sonal Parihar is an TV actress who has done her acting and dance course from Anupam Kher's Actor Prepared, Mumbai. He has seen in TV serials like Bade Achche Lagte Hain (Sony TV), Kaisa Yeh Ishq Hai (Life OK), Singhasan Battisi (Sony Pal), Mahima Shani Dev Ki (NDTV Imagine), Fear Files (Zee TV), Savdhan India (Life OK), Franklin (Life OK), Sa re ga ma ( Life OK), Rowdy Rascals (Life OK), Key Light (Life OK), CID (Sony TV), Adaalat (Sony TV).

Other then these she and has done a documentry on "Mother and Child" health care by "Pheno TV".

She has done print Ads for Safi hoardings and magazine, National Institute For photography, Fashion Photography, Jewellery Shoots, Indian and Western Outfits (Bridal Wear), Print ads for Mid - Day: regional news papers at chattisgarh, Griha Shobha, Griha Shobhika, Vanita (cover pages and editorials ).

She has also been a host for state level Quiz competitions, Game Shows and many other staged events sponsored on big levels.
Episodes roped-in Sonal Parihar

Ek Haseena thi, Ek Deewana tha: Teenager Karan commits suicide over mysterious love affair (Episode 512 on 29th May 2015)

एक हसीना थी, एक दीवाना था
Ek Haseena thi, Ek Deewana tha
करन 18 साल का है और कॉलेज में पढता है. एक सुबह वो कॉलेज जाने के लिए तैयार होता है और फिर अपनी माँ को अपनी पॉकेट मनी के रूपए देता है. वो काफी परेशान लग रहा है. उसकी माँ उसको पूछती है की वो ये रूपए उसे क्यों दे रहा है मगर वो देकर घर से निकल जाता है. उसकी माँ समझ नहीं पाती है की वो इतना परेशान क्यों है. वो घर से निकलता है और फिर वापस नहीं आता है. बाद में उसकी बहन और माँ उसका फ़ोन भी मिलाती है मगर उसका फ़ोन लगातार स्विच ऑफ है.
करीब 48 घंटे बाद वो लोग पुलिस स्टेशन पहुच कर करन की मिस्सिंग कंप्लेन लिखाते हैं. वो लोग पुलिस को बताते हैं की करन एक होनहार छात्र है और वो अपनी हर बात उनलोगों से शेयर करता है. उसके दोस्त भी पुलिस को बताते हैं की करण का कोई लव अफेयर नहीं था जिसके कारण वो परेशान हो. करन की माँ और बहन बताती हैं की करन किसी बात को लेकर कुछ दिन से परेशान था मगर उसने कभी कुछ बताया नहीं.
virtual account profile from one similar kind
of case of blackmailing over the internet

Trishna Mukherjee: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Most Well Known Star Cast
Trishna Mukherjee is seen most of the episodes these days and recently she played role of Bhanwari Devi as Ambika Deha in an episodic of Crime Patrol Satark. She was also seen few stories of Life Ok's Savdhaan India and Color's Code Red.

She hails from Kolkata, West Bengal and had played the role of "Chanda" in Bollywood movie Light Shade Red (2012). The movie was based on the locals of Sonagachi, a well known red light area of Kolkata. The place is also the biggest red-light area in Asia. Story of the movie was based on the lives of five women who live in the brothel, how they reached, survived and made relations with men and with each-other.
Episodes acted by Trishna Mukherjee

Crime Patrol: Balla aur Baazi - Aspiring cricketer Avinash Chaubey's Path to School Admission and Financial Challenges (Episode 510, 511 on 22, 24 May 2015)

Avinash Chaubey, (real name Harendra Ramchandra Yadav), comes from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He possesses cricketing talent and aspires to pursue cricket as a profession. However, his impoverished background poses a challenge. His father discourages him and withdraws support for his dream of becoming a cricketer. Avinash decides to escape to Mumbai by stealing money from his father. In Mumbai, he resides with his maternal uncle, Damodar Panday. While his uncle cares for him, his wife no longer holds affection for Avinash.

After a few days, his uncle and cousin begin to recognize Avinash's potential as a talented cricketer. Avinash receives support from a cricket coach named Sameer Khan, who also believes in his abilities. Sameer coaches Avinash without any fee. Avinash aims to participate in the Inter School Cup, an event exclusively for school students. Fortunately, with the assistance of his opening partner, Junaid, and his coach, Avinash secures admission to the school. However, he faces another financial crisis. The school fees and cricket coaching expenses amount to approximately INR 13,000 per month, a sum neither his father nor his uncle can afford. Avinash's cricketing career is at risk of ending before it even begins.

During this time, Avinash encounters Jagat Tavde, a person who puts up missing persons' posters in trains in different areas. Jagat suggests to Avinash that he has an idea to earn a significant amount of money.

Although Avinash excels in cricket, his coaching fees decrease to INR 750 from INR 3,000. However, he still struggles to pay the school fees. He discusses his situation with his father and uncle, but neither can assist him. As a result, Avinash finds a small job at a restaurant.

Avinash real name Harendra Ramchandra Yadav

Aruna Shanbaug: The Fighter passes away after 42 years of Coma

ये कहानी ख़ुशगवार और खूबसूरत मुंबई (उस समय का बम्बई) की है जो की नवंबर 1973 से शुरू होती है. अरुणा शानबाग एक 25 साल की जवान और स्फूर्ति से भरी नर्स थी जो की एडवर्ड मेमोरियल अस्पताल में एक डॉक्टर के अंतर्गत काम करती थी. वो एक आत्मविश्वास से लबरेज़ लड़की थी जो की 18 की उम्र में अपना घर छोड़ कर सपनो की नगरी बम्बई आई थी नर्स बनने. उसने अपने दम पर नर्सिंग का कोर्स पूरा किया था और खुद ही ये नौकरी भी ढूंढी थी और ये वो समय था जब वो अपने चाहने वाले के साथ अपना घर बसाने वाली थी और उसकी सगाई हो चुकी थी.

वो अपना घर अपने सीनियर डॉक्टर डॉ. संदीप देसाई के साथ बसाने वाली थी और उसके डॉक्टर होने के नाते उसका लगभग पूरा ही दिन उनके साथ बीतता था. डॉ संदीप जो की एक एम.बी.बी.एस. थे, उस समय एम.डी. के एग्जाम की तैयारी कर रहे थे. सबकुछ एकदम अच्छा चल रहा था, यहाँ तक की उनकी शादी की तारीख भी तय हो गई थी की वो मनहूस दिन 27 नवंबर आया.

एक वार्डबॉय सोहनलाल भरथा वाल्मीकि उसी अस्पताल में अरुणा के अंतर्गत काम करता था. अरुणा एक नियम कायदे वाली लड़की थी जिसे की अनुशाशनहीनता बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं थी. सोहनलाल के काम करने के ढंग की वजह से उसकी और अरुणा की अक्सर लड़ाई होती रहती थी मगर किसी ने भी ये नहीं सोचा था की ये लड़ाई एक दिन बदले का रूप ले लेगी और सोहनलाल को एक ऐसा कदम उठाने को प्रेरित कर देगी जिसकी गूँज आने वाले दशकों तक सुने देगी.

Crime Patrol Sansani (Season 3)

शाम का करीब 6 बजा था जब की अरुणा की रोज़ की शिफ्ट ख़तम हुई थी. अरुणा को अपने कपडे बदलने थे और इसके लिए वो अस्पताल के बेसमेंट में उस जगह पहुची जहाँ कुत्तों पर रिसर्च की प्रयोगशाला थी. वैसे वो जगह कपडे बदलने की नहीं थी मगर चूँकि नर्स रूम कुछ दूरी पे था, सो अरुणा ने वहीँ कपडे बदलने की सोची. सोहनलाल एक लम्बे समय से ऐसे ही किसी मौके की फ़िराक में था और उस दिन उसे वो मौका मिल गया. उसने पूरे समय अरुणा का पीछा किया और मौका पाते ही पहले तो उसने अरुणा की साथ अप्राकृतिक सेक्स किया और उसके बाद अरुणा के गले को कुत्तों को बाँधने वाली ज़ंजीर से मरोड़ दिया और उसके बाद ये सोच कर वहां से निकल गया की अरुणा मर गई होगी.

शाम 6 बजे के इस हमले के बाद से सुबह अगली शिफ्ट शुरू होने तक अरुणा वहीँ पड़ी रही और किसी को कानो-कान खबर भी नहीं हुई. अरुणा मरी तो नहीं थी मगर उसका दिमाग मर चुका था. सोहनलाल ने जिस बेरहमी से उसकी गर्दन कुत्ते की ज़ंजीर से दबी थी उससे उसके दिमाग को ऑक्सीजन पहुचने वाली नसें फट गई और जब तक अरुणा को वहां पाया गया, बहुत देर हो चुकी थी.

Najayaz Rishte: Middle aged woman Kavita Shinde's dead body found (Episode 508, 509 on 16th, 17th May 2015)

Crime Patrol | Crime Patrol: Bikhre Rishte - Case of missing man Akshya Kaale (Episode 507, 508 on 15, 16 May 2015)

बिखरे रिश्ते
Dispersed Relations
32 year old Akshaya Kale (real name Vaibhav Achrekar and played by Saheem Khan) is missing from last three months. His mother and elder brother is worrying about him. An evening when Akshaya does not return after his work, his brother Pankaj Kale, (played by Sudeep Sarangi) mother Gayatri and Pankaj's wife Savita files his police complaint in the police station. His phone records shows that he was in touch with someone from last few months and this number is also registered on his name. But the strange thing is that no one knows about this number, neither his family member, nor his helper at his mobile store. Police also finds that his both numbers were switched off at the same time and same place.
Police get one more number and this number belongs to a 34 year old housewife Rashmi Sawant (real name Jyotsana More and played by Trishna Mukherjee) who is a neighbor of Kale Family. On first sight police thinks that this might be a case of extra marital affair because Rashmi's husband Jayesh Sawant is an alcoholic man and fights with her daily. Rashmi clearly denies her connection with Akshaya and says that a year ago she was just a friend of Akshaya and both used to talk to each-other on phone.