"STAY FIT RUN" marathon

Gear Up for the Inaugural "STAY FIT RUN" Marathon in Delhi NCR!

The capital is set to witness a thrilling new addition to its fitness calendar with the upcoming "STAY FIT RUN" marathon, scheduled to take place this November in Delhi NCR's Noida region. Organized by Positive Synergy, this 10k marathon promises to be a celebration of health, endurance, and community spirit.

Leading the charge is none other than Ramanjit Singh Oberoi, a stalwart marathon runner whose passion and commitment have made him a beacon of inspiration. At 63 years young, Oberoi has completed over 150 marathons, including several half marathons, full marathons, and ultra marathons. Having conquered the 6 major marathons of the world, his presence at "STAY FIT RUN" adds a unique allure and motivational factor to the event.

Event Highlights:

  • Flag-off by Celebrities: Stay tuned for updates on which celebrities will kick off the event with enthusiasm and support.
  • Participant Categories: Open to all fitness enthusiasts, the marathon encourages runners of all levels to participate and challenge themselves.

isn’t just about competition; it’s about fostering a sense of community and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Participants can expect not only a professionally organized race but also a vibrant atmosphere where friendships are forged and personal bests are achieved.

Whether you’re a seasoned marathon runner or someone looking to embrace a new fitness challenge, "STAY FIT RUN" promises an unforgettable experience. Mark your calendars, prepare your running gear, and join us as we stride towards fitness and fun this November in Delhi NCR.

Stay updated with event details and registration information in our next article . Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this inaugural marathon event!

Crime Patrol | Case 32/2017: Naina kidnapped by Rohan, returned after 2 years (Episode 802, 803, 804 on 12, 13, 14 May 2017)

2017 का बत्तीसवाँ केस
Case 32/2017

(Missing Jai and Preeti Case, Ep. 802, 803, 804)

Naina has been missing from her home for two years now, and her father believes she was kidnapped by her boyfriend Rohan and three others.

Naina and Rohan, who were 17 and 21 years old respectively, fell in love with each other years ago. Rohan was the relative of Naina's landlord who used to visit his maternal sister in the same locality as Naina's home. However, Naina's father was against their relationship and sent her to Allahabad to stay with her maternal uncle and continue her 12th exams.

One day, Rohan allegedly came to Naina's home when she was alone and kidnapped her at gunpoint with two of his friends. Despite Naina's father's efforts to locate them, the police were unable to find them in either city. However, two years after Naina's kidnapping, she suddenly called her father and told him that Rohan had left her at the Varanasi station. When Naina's uncle went to see her, he discovered that she was pregnant.

When Naina recorded her statement before the police, she revealed that Rohan had raped her repeatedly for the past two years and that she was carrying his child. She also stated that she was held captive in a dark room with little light, and she couldn't tell how much time had passed.

inside story

Crime Patrol | Case 23/2017: Mystery behind a missing married girl Shikha (Ep 785, 786 on 1, 2 Apr, 2017 Crime Patrol Satark Season 1)

2017 का तेइसवाँ केस
Case 23/2017

(Family Boundaries, Ep. 785/786)

A young man from the village, Sumit, loves Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds him, but eventually, one day, she agrees. Since they come from different castes, they know their families will never accept their marriage. So, they run away and get married but are later caught. In front of the village council, it is declared that their marriage is invalid, and Shikha is sent back to her home.

Shikha and Sumit are separated, but then suddenly, Shikha goes missing. The police first suspect Sumit, but he knows nothing about it. Finally, after a few days, the police find Shikha's body in a ruin outside the village.

A village youth Sumit likes Shikha. When he proposes to her, Shikha scolds at him but then one day finally she agrees. Both come from different casts, so they know that their family will never accept their marriage, so they run away from home and get married but are caught later. It is decided in front of the village panchayat that the marriage of these two is invalid and Shikha is sent back to her house. Shikha and Sumit split up, but suddenly Shikha disappears after that. The police's first suspicion is on Sumit, but Sumit knows nothing about it. Finally, a few days later, the police find Shikha's corpse at an abandoned place in the outer village.

Case 68/2017: Fake incometax raids Batuk Parmar's home (Ep 864, 865 on 21, 22 Oct 2017)

2017 का अढ़सठवाँ केस
Case 68/2017

(Corruption Kills, Ep. 864 & 865)
बटुक परमार एक साधारण का कर्मचारी है जो कि एक साड़ी की दुकान पर काम करता है. उसके घर में उसके अलावा उसकी पत्नी अल्पा, माँ कोकिल, कोकिला, बेटी पारुल और बेटा दीपेश परमार रहते हैं. साधारण से दिखने वाले इस परिवार पे एक सुबह 7:30 पे इंकमटैक्स डिपार्टमेंट की रेड पड़ती है जिसमें 1 महिला और 4 पुरुष हैं. इनके अलावा एक हवलदार भी है जो कि घर के बाहर खड़ा रहता है.

पूरे घर की तलाशी ली जाती है और फिर एक अल्मारी मिलती है जिसकी चाबी बटुक के पास नहीं है. वो कहता है की ये अल्मारी उसके पिछले मालिक अरविंद सेठ की है और चाबी भी उनके ही पास है. इंकमटैक्स वाले अलमारी को तोड़ने का निर्णय लेते हैं और ताला तोड़ने पर भौचक्के रह जाते हैं. अल्मारी पूरी तरह से रुपयों से भारी पड़ी है जो कि साठ लाख के आसपास हैं.
इसके बाद वो लोग ये सारे रुपए एक बैग में भर कर बटुक को अपने साथ ले जाते हैं और फिर रास्ते में उसको अपना कार्ड थमा कर उससे बोलते हैं की जाकर अपने मालिक को बोले की इस फ़ोन पर कांटैक्ट करे. बटुक भागा-भागा घर पहुँचता है. घर के सारे फ़ोन पहले से ही ज़ब्त किए जा चुके हैं सो वो एक टेलीफ़ोन बूथ से मालिक अरविंद को फ़ोन करके सारी बात बताता है. जब अरविंद सेठ बटुक द्वारा दिए गए कार्ड में वर्णित नम्बर पे कॉल लगाता है तो पाता है की वो नम्बर ग़लत है.

दोनो लोग पुलिस के पास जाते हैं और आगे पता लगाने पर पता चलता है कि ये छापा नक़ली था.

Dincy Vira,Manish Raj,Suman Singh,Rahul Tomar,Kamlesh Oza,Suman Patel,Nishant Singh,Swapnil Ajgaonkar,maruf khan,Mridul Das,Alok Kumar,Akhil Kataria,Shafique Ansari,nissar khan,Nadeem Khan,

Crime Patrol | Khafa - Delhi Ankit Garg murder case given a communal angle by indian media (Episode 50 on 20 Sep 2019)

31 साल का धीरज मुस्लिम लड़की हिना को प्यार करता है और दोनो एक दूसरे से शादी करना चाहते हैं. शुरूवात में दोनो के परिवार इस रिश्ते के ख़िलाफ़ थे मगर फिर माँ जाते हैं और दोनो की सगाई भी करवाई जाती है. सबकुछ ठीक चल रहा है मगर एक दिन अचानक धीरज के ऑफ़िस के बाहर कोई उसको गोली मार देता है और धीरज की वहीं पर मृत्यु हो जाती है.

पहली नज़र में एक ये धार्मिक विवाद के दौरान किया गया क़त्ल नज़र आता है. पुलिस हिना, उसके भाई और परिवार वालों से पूछताछ करती है मगर कोई सुराग हासिल नहीं हो पाता है. एक तरफ़ पुलिस अभी तक कोई सुराग नहीं ढूँढ पाई है और दूसरी तरफ़ दिन पर दिन मीडिया और देश के बड़े नेता इस वरदार को धार्मिक रंग देने में लगे हुए हैं.

31 year old Dheeraj (played by Puneet Channa) falls in love with Muslim girl Hina (played by Hiral Mehta) and both want to marry each other. Initially, the families of both were against this relationship but then they agree and the engagement of both is also done. Everything is going well but one day suddenly someone shoots Dheeraj outside Dheeraj's office and he dies there.
inside story

Crime Patrol | Serial Killer - MP's Aadesh Khambra who killed near 33 truck drivers and cleaners in 11 years (Episode 475 on 9 Aug 2021)

Serial Killer Aadesh Khambra
भोपाल से 20-22 किलॉमेटर दूर मंडीदीप पे अपनी एक टेलर की छोटी सी दुकान चलाने वाले आदेश खांबरा 50-55 का एक आम आदमी सा दिखता है और उसको देख कर ये कोई भी नहीं कह सकता की वो एक सीरीयल किलर है जिसने 1-2 या 4 नहीं बल्कि 34 या उससे भी अधिक हत्याएँ की हैं. पुलिस ने इसको सितम्बर 2018 में भोपाल ने धर-दबोचा था और इसको दबोचने के बाद तक पुलिस को ये अंदाज़ा नहीं था की उन्होंने एक दुर्दांत सीरीयल किलर को धर-दबोचा है.
भोपाल के पास एक इंडस्ट्रीयल एरिया है मंडीदीप. मंडीदीप रायसेन डिस्ट्रिक्ट का एक क़स्बा है और यहाँ की फ़ैक्ट्रीज़ में देश भर से आए लोग काम करते हैं जो की अधिकतर मज़दूर तबके के हैं. आदेश खांबरा का परिवार उन्मे से एक है.

Crime Patrol | Case 37/2017: Aditya Singh's driver Alok Panday burnt alive to kill (Episode 812, 813 on 3, 4 June 2017)

2017 का सैंतीसवाँ केस
Case 37/2017

A distressed man dials 100 one night, identifying himself as Alok Pandey, claiming his life is in danger. The police rush to the area Alok mentioned in their PCR van. On arrival, they find no one but discover a fire nearby, where locals are extinguishing a burning figure. Investigating, the police find a man burnt to death. Suspecting Alok Pandey made the call, they search the remains, finding a partially burned purse with a charred driving license, revealing his mobile number. The police later contact Alok's wife, informing her of his murder. Alok was wanted in another murder case in Kanpur, where he, along with his accomplice Aditya, killed a man named Sunil. Sunil was murdered when he was returning two lakh rupees that Aditya had borrowed from Alok. After Sunil's murder, both Alok and Aditya were on the run, and now, Alok has also been killed.


Crime Patrol | Case 66/2017: Millionaire, Elderly couple Jai Kishan and wife Geeta found murdered, daughter prime suspect (Ep 860, 861 on 7, 8 Oct 2017)

2017 का छाछठवाँ केस
Case 66/2017

(Ep. 860, 861)

फ़रीदाबाद, हरियाणा के एक मोहल्ले में दिन दहाड़े एक वृद्ध पुरुष जय किशन दहिया और उनकी 48 वर्षीय पत्नी रानी दहिया की हत्या कर दी जाती है. उनका मकान 2 दिन से बंद है और अब मकान में से सड़ने की गंध भी आ रही है. जब मकान का दरवाज़ा खुलवा कर देखा जाता है तो पाया जाता है की अंदर पति-पत्नी की लाशें हैं.

दोनो पति-पत्नी अकेले रहते थे. इनकी एक बेटी भी है नपुर हुड्डा जिसने अपनी मर्ज़ी से शादी की थी और उसके बाद घर से अलग हो गई. जय किशन का एक बेटा भी था जिसकी बचपन में ही बीमारी के चलते मृत्यु हो गई थी. जय किशन के कई मकान, दुकाने और बिल्डिंग है जो कि किराए पर उठी हुई हैं और इन सबका किराया क़रीब 18 लाख रुपए महीने का आता है. जय किशन को देख कर बिलकुल भी ऐसा नहीं लगता था की इनके पास इतनी दौलत है क्यूँकि वो और उनकी पत्नी बिलकुल फटेहाल ही रहते थे.

दोनो की हत्या के बाद पुलिस का शक 2 लोगों पर है. पहला शक जय किशन की पहली पत्नी से हुई बेटी नपुर पर है और दूसरा जय किशन के भतीजे आनंद पर जो की जय किशन का पूरा अकाउंट देखता था.

पुलिस जाँच के दौरान जब तिजोरी को खोला जाता है पुलिस को उसमें 2 करोड़ से अधिक रुपए मिलते हैं मगर आनंद का कहना है की पूरी रक़म में से 12 लाख रुपय कम हैं.

ये एक चौकाने वाला ख़ुलासा है की अगर तिजोरी में इतने सारे रुपए थे तो इनकी हत्या करने वाले ने सिफ़त 12 लाख ही क्यूँ लिए.


Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 4 (Season 3) | The Vanishing: Mystery behind disappearance of Suyash (5 July 2024 On Amazon MiniTV)

द वैनिशिंग
(अचानक लापता हुआ सुयश)
The Vanishing

Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Suyash, Pratyush, and Mansi are siblings, with 19-year-old Mansi being the youngest and Pratyush being the eldest. Suyash, 21, is in the middle and is very good at his studies. Suyash Kolhe is studying in Pune with his sister Mansi Kolhe. They live in a rented house. One night, Suyash suddenly goes missing. Initially, Mansi thinks that Suyash might have gone to a friend's place, but after he doesn't return for four days, she becomes worried. She calls home and informs them that Suyash has been missing for the past four days and regrets not informing them earlier. The family is also upset with her for telling them after so many days.

The family goes to the police, and the police also question why it took her four days to inform them. Mansi says that she thought of informing them every day but then felt that he might have gone for work and would return, so she didn't want to worry the family unnecessarily. However, she now regrets this decision.

Suyash's college friends are also shocked and wonder where he suddenly disappeared without telling anyone. The police look for accident cases in the city, but none match Suyash's description. They are also questioning local taxi drivers but haven't found anything. Suyash's call records show that his phone has been off near his house since 1 AM on the night he went missing.

Mansi's family is questioning her, but she keeps insisting that she knows nothing.

Show Host: Pratik Gandhi

Poorti Arya: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Poorti Arya, a versatile Indian actress and model, hails from Nagpur, Maharashtra. Her journey in the entertainment industry began on the small screen, where she appeared in popular television serials like Singhasan Battisi, Life Sahi Hai, and Internet Wala Love. Known for her captivating screen presence, she has also graced various commercials and print shoots. Poorti made her silver screen debut in the Bollywood film Jalebi (2018), showcasing her acting prowess to a wider audience.

Over the years, Poorti has left her mark in the television industry with notable roles in shows such as Ashoka Samrat, Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya, and Crime Patrol. However, it was her portrayal in the TV show Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2 that garnered her significant attention from viewers. Despite her success, Poorti decided to take a break from acting due to health reasons.

Episodes by Poorti Arya

In a recent interview, Poorti shared insights into her hiatus from the screen, revealing that she prioritized her health and well-being. She emphasized the importance of self-care and reflection, stating that she needed time to reassess her career goals and aspirations. Now, after a rejuvenating break, Poorti is ready to dive back into the world of acting with renewed vigor and determination.

Expressing her eagerness to take on challenging roles, Poorti aims to portray strong and impactful characters that resonate with the audience. With a keen eye for selective projects, she aspires to leave a lasting impression through her performances on screen.

Aside from her acting career, Poorti is known for her passion for badminton and her admiration for cricket legend MS Dhoni. She enjoys classic Bollywood romantic films and finds solace in music, which inspires her creative pursuits.

Poorti Arya's journey in the entertainment industry is a testament to her talent, resilience, and unwavering dedication. As she embarks on the next chapter of her career, audiences eagerly anticipate her return to the screen, eager to witness her captivating performances once again.

More photos of Poorti can be found here:

Anam Anuji: Crime Patrol Actors and Actresses

Anam Anuji, a talented actress known for her appearances on the popular TV series Crime Patrol, has carved a niche for herself in the Indian entertainment industry. With a journey that began as a TikTok star before the app's ban in India, Anam has transitioned seamlessly into the world of television and social media. You can follow her on Instagram here: @anam.an555

From Teen Sitcoms to Crime Patrol Tales

Before her notable roles in Crime Patrol, Anam made her debut on the small screen in the Disney Channel's serial Palak Pe Jhalak. This Indian supernatural teen sitcom, adapted from the American series That's So Raven, captured the imagination of audiences with its intriguing storyline and vibrant characters. Anam portrayed the character Tara, one of the best friends of the protagonist Nysha Kapoor, played by Ayesha Kaduskar. Ayesha has also been a part of Crime Patrol and did few episodes between 2013 and 2016.

Episodes by Anam

NETFLIX | Indrani Mukerjea story - buried truth | Crime Patrol | Nirmamta: 2015's Sensational Sheena Bora murder case (Dial 100 Episode 674, 675 on 21, 22 Dec 2017)

A Ruthless Mother

The murder of Sheena Bora has left us with numerous lingering questions. While many secrets have been unveiled, one particular query persists: why did Indrani Mukherjee, who had attained success in every aspect of her life and hailed from one of Mumbai's most esteemed families, choose to take the life of Sheena? Certainly not for financial gain! So, what compelled her to commit such a heinous act?"

Mumbai, 2015
Ex-Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria came to know about some illegal arms deal. His operation was on flow and during the operation, police arrested a car driver from whom police found a 7.66 mm pistol. When police asked him from where did he get this pistol, he was unable to clarify. He also did not have any license for this pistol. First, he said that he found it somewhere unclaimed. 

When police started interrogating him, he opened a secret behind a sensational murder case and hearing that police were completely shocked. This driver's name was Shyamwar Rai and who was Mumbai's well-known business tycoon Indrani Mukherjee's persona driver. He told police that he was involved in Indrani's sister Sheena Bora's murder in 2012 and during the entire game plan Indrani gave him this pistol.

inside story
YouTube | Dailymotion

He told police that there was another man who was also involved in the crime and after killing her sister Sheena in her car, they brought her to Raigarh's forest area and burnt her off. They also buried her. Police were shocked but they did not have any evidence related to this heinous crime. Commissioner Maria nearly spent 3 months collecting evidence and it was time for him to arrest Indrani Mukherjee. Indrani's husband Peter Mukherjee has worked with "Star India" between 1993 to 2007. He was the one behind mega-success of "Kaun Banega Crorepati" and "Kyunki...Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi..."

Indrani got married to Peter in 2002. Peter was then 46 years old while Indrani was 16 years younger to him i.e. 30. According to Peter Indrani was a single mother. She told him that she left his husband after disputes from whom she became the mother of Vidhie. At the time of their marriage, Vidhie was 5 years old. During 2007 Peter and Indrani launched their joint venture INX media. Well-known TV Channel 9X and other TV channels were started under this venture. Indrani was appointed a chairperson of the company. INX media made them the owner of the worth property of 800 crores.

Everything was going well in the family but suddenly a day a girl named Sheena and her brother Mikhail reached Indrani's home to meet her. They were a great surprise for Indrani. Indrani introduced them as her sister and brother to Peter and Peter invited them to stay with them in the same home. Sheena and Mikhail started living there and there Sheena met with Peter's son Rahul Mukherjee. They became good friends and later fell in love with each other. Indrani was not accepting their relationship and planned to eliminate Sheena from their lives.

Know More...

Part 1: www.sonyliv.com...crime-patrol-dial-100...high-profile-killer-part-1
Part 2: www.sonyliv.com...crime-patrol-dial-100...high-profile-killer-part-2

Part 1: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdD0_DB-RhU
Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViG5fqCt93A

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 4 (Season 2) | Suppressed Anger: Nagpur's petrol pump owner dilip sontakke murder case (22 Dec 2023 On Amazon MiniTV)

सप्रेस्ड ऐंगर
(ग़ुस्से का शांत ज्वालामुखी)
Suppressed Anger

Bhiwapur (Nagpur - Maharashtra), May 2023
Dilip Rajeshwar Sontakke had illicit relations with another woman in Bhiwapur. Apart from that, he also subjected his wife and daughters to physical abuse. He was owner of a petrol pump and engaged in property dealings, but did not contribute any share of his earning to his home. He even threatened to transfer the petrol pump and farms to another woman's name. After enduring such humiliation, his elder daughter, Priya Kishor Mahuratade, finally devised a plan to eliminate him from their lives......

Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Palghar, Maharashtra In the darkness of the night, when businessman Prakash Munjal is sleeping on the roof of his house, two people climb up and shoot him. Meanwhile, he notices that his wife Sarita has also climbed onto the roof, and they shoot her too.

Prakash Munjal had three brothers - Prakash Munjal was the eldest followed by Sanjay and Nilesh Munjal. Prakash maintains dominance over his two brothers. Sanjay's wife and son constantly explain to him that he's just working for his brother and nothing more, but Sanjay continues to ignore these discussions. Prakash's youngest brother died in an accident a few years ago.

During the police investigation, Kavya, Prakash's daughter, raises suspicions about the sons of Prakash's cousin. She reveals that Shankar, the son of Prakash's uncle Mahendra, was shot in a similar manner five years ago along with his sons Rajesh and Parag, and everyone thought Prakash was behind it. Consequently, Rajesh and Parag seek revenge.

Show Host: Pratik Gandhi

As the investigation progresses, the police encounter some other angles. They discover that Prakash used to transfer one and a half lakh rupees to his friend Vikas Tiwari every month, but this transfer stopped six months ago. When questioned, Vikas reveals that Prakash and the youngest brother Nilesh's wife, Damini, had an illicit relationship. He used this information to blackmail Prakash and extort money from him every month.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 3 (Season 2) | Murder Most Foul: Panvel's Priyanka Rawat killed out side railway station (22 Dec 2023 On Amazon MiniTV)

मर्डर मोस्ट फ़ाउल
(एक घृणित हत्या)
Murder Most Foul

Panvel (Thane - Maharashtra), Sep 2022
When Priyanka Rawat found out that Devvrat Singh Rawat not only had an affair but had also married Nikita Matkar, she started fighting with him. She started threatening him that she would ruin him. Priyanka also started calling and threatening Nikita to end her relationship with Devvrat, or else it wouldn't end well. Finally, frustrated, Nikita plotted to remove Priyanka from the picture and involved her boss, Praveen Ghadke, in the plan...

Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

In the corporate world, 26-year-old professional Sneha gets a promotion, sparking various speculations within her office. There's a belief that Sneha is having an affair with her boss, Ashutosh, which led to her promotion. The envy grows among colleagues and especially between 'X' and 'Y' as they consider themselves more deserving than Sneha. On the other hand Ashutosh and his wife Vidya share a strained relationship and wish to part ways.

Show Host: Pratik Gandhi

Soon, a shocking incident shakes everyone - Sneha is found murdered, stabbed in the office parking. CCTV footage reveals two suspects during the police investigation. The office security confirms they had thoroughly checked both suspects and found no weapons. How did these knives enter the office compound?

Sneha's husband, Raghav, is devastated, and the investigation takes multiple turns, confronting the police with suspicions, including one from a new person who had unrequited feelings for Sneha and had proposed to her before her marriage, and another from Mayra, a close friend of Sneha working in a different company.

To discover who and why killed Sneha, dive into this suspenseful and thrilling tale.

Celebrating the Leading Ladies of 'Crime Patrol': A Journey through the Top 20 Actresses of 2023

Crime Patrol, one of India's most acclaimed Crime Shows on TV, has captured the hearts of viewers with its gripping narratives and stellar performances. As we reflect on the year 2023, it's evident that the leading ladies of Crime Patrol played a pivotal role in the show's success. In this article, we pay tribute to these talented actresses who have become the backbone of the series, contributing significantly to its widespread recognition.

The Powerhouse Performers:

The following list comprises the 20 most visited posts related to the actresses of Crime Patrol in 2023. Each of these stars brought their unique flair to the show, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of the audience.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 2 (Season 2) | Dangerous Pursuits: Kerala businessman Siddiqui killed, chopped into peices (22 Dec 2023 On Amazon MiniTV)

डेंजरस पर्सूटस
(ख़तरनाक राहें)
Dangerous Pursuits

Farhana and Shibli planned to trap the restaurant owner and businessman Macheri Siddiqui in a honey trap to extort money from him. That day, Farhana called them to a hotel where, along with Shibli, she forced them to shoot an objectionable video with Siddiqui. When Siddiqui opposed, they killed him, cut his body into two pieces, stuffed them into separate trolley bags, and dumped them in the jungle...

Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Palghar, Maharashtra
18-year-old Nazneen Beg has a passion for making Instagram reels. Despite coming from a modest family, she keeps a good collection of attractive, short clothes for her reels.

On the other hand, Anwar Qadri is a bike mechanic who is obsessed with Nazneen's reels. When he finds out that Nazneen lives nearby, he starts stalking her. One day, Nazneen confronts him and asks why he's following her. Anwar reveals that he knows of a location where Nazneen can get many likes and followers if she makes reels there. Nazneen agrees and heads to the place Anwar suggested.

Upon arrival, Anwar tries to force himself on her, but security guards stop him and hand him over to the police after beating him up. The police advise Nazneen to give her statement against Anwar since she's 18, but Nazneen's family intervenes, preserving her honor. The police release Anwar, but he's now burning with revenge.

Four years pass, and the story now shifts to Jawahar, Gujarat. Local police find body parts of a man in the nearby jungle.

On the other side, Vapi's businessman Abdul Quraishi is missing. Abdul owns two large showrooms in Vapi called Chand Electronics and Tara Electronics. Abdul has two sons, Rafiq and Faisal. Initial investigation reveals that Abdul frequently argued with his wife Parveen about changing his will.

Show Host: Pratik Gandhi

Days after Abdul's disappearance, Jawahar police find body parts matching Abdul's. As the police start checking his call records, they discover a salesgirl named Nazneen, who works at Abdul's showroom. They learn that Nazneen went missing on the same day as Abdul.

Further investigation shocks the police when they find out that Anwar also used to work at Abdul's other showroom, which he was fired from. Nazneen and Anwar were connected, and the police speculate that Anwar took the job at Abdul Quraishi's showroom to seek revenge from Nazneen and Abdul. Anwar's hand might be behind the disappearance of both Nazneen and Abdul.

Crimes Aaj Kal Episode 1 (Season 2) | The Vicious Circle: Noida's Hema Chaudhury murder case (22 Dec 2023 On Amazon MiniTV)

द विशियस सर्किल
the vicious circle

Payal Bhati and her partner Ajay Thakur allegedly killed Hema Chaudhary by slitting her wrist and distorting her face to prevent identification. The accused killed Chaudhary after befriending her as she had similar physical attributes to Bhati. The duo allegedly killed her to stage Payal's death so that Payal could take revenge against four of her family members who she blames for her parents' death....

Review Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The story begins with a girl browsing through some books in a library and then picking up a book titled 'The Vicious Circle' to read.

On the other side, there's a boy named Vaibhav stocking up a lady worker in a large clothing showroom. He frequents the showroom several times a week, always buying shirts from the same lady, Prajakta.

After a while, Prajakta suddenly disappears. Her brother files a missing complaint, revealing she's a married woman with a child, married to an alcoholic who neglects her.

A friend of Prajakta from the showroom informs the police that there was a boy who often visited and only bought clothes from Prajakta. The police start an investigation and confirm Vaibhav's identity from the showroom's CCTV footage.

Show Host: Pratik Gandhi

Prajakta's phone records provide Vaibhav's number, revealing his full name as Vaibhav Prasad, a married man and a father. However, the police are taken aback when they discover that Vaibhav is also missing, and a missing complaint for him is lodged in another police station.

Crime Patrol | Unveiling the Murder: Aaradhya's Allegations and the Dark Reality (Episode 133 on 16 Jan, 2020 Crime Patrol Satark Black Headlines)

Another similar case was reported in Vadodara, Gujarat (2014) where an adopted minor daughter (shown as Gehna Desai) killed her parents Shrihari Vinod, 63, and his wife Sneha, 60 (Guitarist Bennet Rebello) and tried decomposing the bodies using Ac*d.
Click here to know about that case and inside story video.

The story hunts around a violinist Peter D'Costa (played by Vedish Jhaveri) and a young girl Anjali Mathur (played by Khushi Khan). Anjali has good terms with Peter but peter goes missing.

On the other hand a share market broker is also missing from last 6 months.

A mentally disturbed man brings a bag containing body parts. Police arrests him and asks whom did he kill. His mother comes and clarifies police that her son is mentally ill and he cant kill anyone. Police still arrests him and goes to the place where body parts were found. Police finds other body parts also at the same place.

पीटर डीकोस्टा एक वॉइलीन प्लेयर है जो होटेल्स मे वॉइलीन बजाता है। उसकी एक खूबसूरत लड़की अंजली से अच्छी जान-पहचान है जो की एक गरीब घर से आती है। पीटर कुछ दिन से गायब है और उसका पता नहीं चल पा रहा है।

इस कहानी मे एक शेयर मार्केट ब्रोकर भी है जो की पिछले 6 महीने से गायब है।

कहानी मे एक और मोड तब आता है जब एक दिमागी तौर से असंतुलित आदमी अचानक एक दिन इंसान की बॉडी के टुकड़े लेकर पुलिस स्टेशन पहुच जाता है। उसके पीछे उसकी मा भी आती है जो बताती है की उसका लड़का बेकसूर है और वो किसी को नहीं मार सकता।

पुलिस उस जगह पर जाती है जहां से वो आदमी वो टुकड़े लाया है और वहाँ पर पुलिस को बॉडी के बाकी टुकड़े भी मिलते हैं।

inside story
